i dont think you knew how i loved how i shook how i would. but you should you could hide, run and rain, it rained on me .when you left when your leaving when tomorrow comes i will cry i will pain i will bleed in vain. you made other plans made other lullabies other antidopes other main hoes.the demage is done so i guess you be leaving i be staying i be thinking, dont say what you did ,dont tell them how you feel, dont look at me, dont breath me dont smell me, im not ready. when you touched me when you bought me when you brought me. if loving is what it is i am here baby, you know but you dont. your friend your foe your bow i love you truly sincerely. call me lonely days i want you badly but fuck fuck fuck so sadly . im your homie your mommie your mummy your sexy queen your barney. dont run from me dont chase me lets meet in the middle lets be in lost days in fine ways. knock em down fight them sounds stay with me warm in here in this secret place where we wild free we rome the risks and theres no such thing as greed. im pretty your beautiful your insane im crazy were animals and im addicted . im breaking rules im crossing states jumping from here to there to you. to your happiness to your true smile laying there beneath that beneath her anger and her manipulation. lets go elevation adoration all my gooddess to you all my love to you all my beauty for you. yes im suffering yes im drowning yes im surviving yes im staying awake ,awake to see your smile from far from here from there. i cant be without the thought of you i want you around always but its done here it will go on there.