mais la vie sans toi je sais pas. i fucking miss you already.
well its like this, i know i haven't seen you in a while but i haven't talked to you since yesterday!
i know youre busy and working on set! and i cant tell you how extremely proud i am of you!!!
i know you're "American phone" is working so...
well you're here in the same country as me quite incredible after knowing you were in a different time zone,culture,language.... you were in Paris.
this infamous place i would dream about when i was a child and discovered it was a real place, yea you're from there.
so sad to say but your like this lil fantasy i had created in my mind and now i find you .
you have meat and bones and breath through your smoke filled lungs.
wear black and drink endless amounts of rum.
you sit at a bar counter and demands while eating nuts.
sleeps in daylight and bosses ppl at night.
you are incredible you i cant wait to see you.
i cant lie you have been the inspiration for the past weeks
and hopefully will continue to inspire me.
i dont know if i told you guys but when i go to France i will stay in his home right outside of Paris which is like Kendall to the Miami metropolitan area.(about 30 minutes from Paris)
so i will be away from the crazy chaos and the long nights.
i have decided to look more into my street fashion photography and of course more over my writing. i think i will start organizing my writings and actually put them in a chronologist way.
for example, since i write based on my life situations or simply what motivates me and makes me feel happy sad, mad whatever the mood.
i will put all that together with different entries i have and create a book.
i hope to motivate ppl and let girls in general know that life is magical even when you're home alone dwelling over the past break up.
but more on that another time.