lately, apparently its bc of you .usually it was bc of me. but now its bc of us.
the power i guess,no i know its the sun. the fire.the light .true desire.
the stares.the alignment of the stars. the alingment of my heart. our grace and your special face.
it fills so much more than you know ,than you can imagine. than the wild thought of creation mixed with the high mountains. the birdies fly, the singers sing, the fruits give fruit and the cherries blossom. the trees act as vines in love as the perfect metaphor for are winding bodies.
im dry i am wet i am desperate i am me. you are me i am us you are we. we are,well its just .be.
my ache is out of proportion my tounge ties and waits for yours, my hands unwind waiting for the warm breath of your breath.i am just waiting for you to chase me.