a message a term a vision a whole. what i am.
there will be no tardiness the feelings are there to stay.
they fell through a long stream of madness and alterations of moods.
but with you its a steady soul, calm collected alive and aware.
energy is you.well being is me.
i conceive you in me, a lil unknown flower to this world. mysterious and isolated .
i keep you warm i keep you close. i call for you i swear i do
and it burns it crashes it flashes through me like the lightness of joy.
i see you, i hear you, your profile so fine so lion so king so success at being your truly best.
scared yes shy of course he hides from you he hides from me too.
but i know him i know his mind. i love his mind.
i love his skin the one that walks with the chin so high so light.
deep down inside he feels the instinct to cross with me, bear with me, love me.
love me so deep so down so lost so out of touch i cant see, he will blind me endorse me take me sex me and hurt me.he still loves me.
and i can type and i can preach but i do wish.
photography by: Aryka Tranter