when i wake and stare out i see nothing i hear sounds and clappings.
i remember things days later and forget the real ones. the fake ones appear more real than the actual beings.
i woke this morning again in another world another bed with him on my side full of wine and cigarrettes tired of being tired. cold as can be and walking in the dark hearing the water running and the squikky floor, wood panels and suede window coverings i look outside and see nothing its day but i see night.i walk unconfortable with huge heels on my feet and shinny clothes strangers speak to me but i respond nothing, where did you go where did i go come outside rescue me please.
i hear your voice and live on that but a weekly thing wont help me survive am scared i swear but it doesnt show .
i smile i run and hike i sweat i laugh and cry but under my white pillows and your silky sheets. open the window and let me smoke. with the breeze in my face and the light house inback of me ,all white thoughs and genuine feelings . but maybe you called and maybe i didnt pick up but now i dont know the difference between the real or my dreams.