i seem to like being sad and crying .
my favorite movie is titanic ,the first time i saw it i was 8 years old and had no idea what pain,suffering and love was but when i saw this film i felt the character so deep in me and related with her so well i felt i was living in her time and had the same problem.
i saw the movie over 100 times and still continue to watch it and everytime i do i feel the sadness of this hopeless girl, now being older i can still feel the same feeling i did then when i was 8. its so marvelous and tragic at the same time, i cry with passion and need of affection as if i was the one who lost jack. so more ahead of my feeling i tend to understand myself more and more everytime i watch this film. sometimes i think that the intense pain and suffering i go through watching this film that is do to past unconsious situations i have faced in my past lives, i dont know dont understand but i do know that this melancholy i have inside is real and i cant contain it. i cry and cry and cry as if i was rose who lost her one and only love.
and now he only exists in my memory....................